
Dear user, the AutoArgentiero S.r.l. has updated the Privacy Policy to comply with the new legislation on the protection of personal data (EU Regulation 2016/679) and comply with the new requirements set by the Regulation. To update your information and provide us with your consent, please read the following information carefully.
The processing of data will be based on your consent, through the inclusion of the data requested above, and for this purpose the reading of the information is mandatory.
We remind you that, by giving and / or renewing your consent, you can continue to receive updates.
I authorize the processing of personal data for compliance with the new legislation on Privacy (EU Regulation 2016/679). With the consent to the processing of my personal data, I certify that I have read and read the information.

Information pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and articles 13 and 14 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 and consent
Pursuant to art. 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (hereafter “Privacy Code”) and of articles 13 and 14 of European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereafter GDPR), Auto Argentiero S.r.l. It informs you about the processing policies of the collected data, to understand how personal information will be handled when you use the services at our office, and when you use the online services made available in all sections of our website.
Purposes of data processing:

The data supplied by you will be processed for the purposes indicated below:
• For the establishment and execution of a contractual relationship of which the interested party is a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted at the request of the interested party, as well as for the fulfillment of the obligations established by law. The legal basis is given by the execution of contractual obligations. The provision of personal data for these purposes is mandatory and functional to the activity required for the conclusion and execution of the contract and any refusal to provide them would make it impossible to execute the contract;
• for direct marketing activities, to develop studies, research, market statistics; send advertising and informative material; carry out direct sales or placement of products or services; send commercial information; make interactive commercial communications.
For the processing of data preordained for the conduct of direct marketing activities it is necessary to acquire the consent – specific and separate – by the interested party, who has been informed that this transfer is entirely optional and any refusal will not entail a consequence (if not that of preventing data processing aimed at direct marketing).
While for some forms of communication by e-mail, fax, automated call systems and messages of the MMS or SMS or other type, the need for specific and separate consent also derives from special provisions on unsolicited communications or distance sales . Even in the latter cases, conferment is entirely optional and any refusal will not entail any consequence, other than to prevent the processing of data;
• to access certain services, if the interested parties, by connecting to the Company’s website, send their personal data, that is, to make requests via e-mail, the acquisition of such data by Auto Argentiero S.r.l. and / or third parties together with whom the Company could provide the service requested by the interested party; such data will be processed exclusively to respond to the request, or for the provision of the service in accordance with the specific privacy information provided during the phase of access to the individual services;
• for profiling purposes, with the specific consent of the interested party, Auto Argentiero S.r.l. may use the data provided voluntarily in order to improve the services offered according to the needs of its customers and in order to obtain information on behavior and business habits in the automotive or financial sector. The profiling activity, concerning individuals or groups, could be carried out through the treatment of customer identification data through a relationship between the data that allow to identify the data subjects and the analytical indications relative to their personal sphere (tastes, preferences, habits , needs and consumption choices). For the processing of data preordained for profiling it is necessary to acquire the consent – specific and separate – of the interested party, who is informed that this transfer is entirely optional and any refusal will not result in any consequence (if not that of prevent data processing aimed at profiling).

For the treatments referred to in the previous points, it is specified that the legal basis is represented by the express consent as well as by the execution of requested services.
Method of treatment
The processing of data, which can also be collected through specific declarations or on-line formats, takes place using automated tools (eg using electronic procedures and supports) and / or manually (eg on paper) for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected and, in any case, in compliance with the current regulations in force.
Data retention
In accordance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, personal data will be stored in a form that allows the identification of the customer for a period of time not exceeding the achievement of the purposes for which they are processed, ie taking into account:
• the need to continue to store the personal data collected to offer the services requested by the client or to protect the legitimate interest of the Owner, as described in the aforementioned purposes and in compliance with the assessments carried out by Auto Argentiero S.r.l .;
• the existence of specific regulatory or contractual obligations that make the processing and retention of data necessary for certain periods of time.
Data communication
The processing of personal data, in addition to the employees of Auto Argentiero S.r.l. (Authorized for processing), may also be carried out by third parties to whom the Company has entrusted specific activities related or instrumental to the performance of the treatments or the provision of services offered. In such event the same subjects will operate as autonomous Owners, co-Owners or external managers of the treatment.
Data controller and responsible for the protection of personal data
The Auto Argentiero S.r.l. is “Holder” of your personal data, proceeding to the related processing for the purposes and with the methods indicated, using the aid of manual and electronic tools and, however, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.
The Data Controller may be contacted at the following e-mail address, to guarantee the exercise of his rights. You can write to the aforementioned address specifically to exercise your right:
• access to personal data and information relating thereto;
• to obtain the correction of inaccurate data or the integration of incomplete data:
• to obtain the cancellation of personal data concerning you, upon the occurrence of one of the conditions indicated in art. 17, paragraph 1 of the GDPR and in compliance with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 3 of the same article;
• to obtain the limitation of the processing of your personal data upon the occurrence of one of the hypotheses indicated in art. 18, paragraph 1 of the GDPR;
• to oppose the treatment at any time;
• the portability of personal data, asking for and obtaining your personal data, or sending them to another owner indicated by you, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by automatic device;
• to revoke the consent at any time, in cases where it has been requested by Auto Argentiero S.r.l. and made to the same, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out before the revocation;
• to propose a complaint to the supervisory authority (Privacy Guarantor).
Changes to the information
The eventual entry into force of new sector regulations, as well as the constant examination and updating of the services to the user, could entail the need to modify the methods and terms described in this Notice. It is therefore possible that this document will change over time.
We will inform you of future changes to this Statement.